About Techvelopment Spring

Read the press release (In Danish)

Techvelopment Spring was a series of events organized by IDA, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, DTU and the UN City in Copenhagen in the Spring of 2019. On Techvelopment.dk you can read more about the background and the individual events. For further info feel free to contact Jacob Lennheden, jacob@escalino.com

There is significant interest in techvelopment in both the development organizations and in society in general. There is a general demand for more events and activities to learn about and engage in techvelopment, both in the traditional development sector, in NGOs and in governmental organizations, but also in the technology sector, which wants to take social responsibility to a greater extent and assist in achieving the sustainable development goals in a global context.

Purpose is important for the commitment of many young people and tech-minded people. Techvelopment is a topic that has both great purpose and a great deal of technology. With Techvelopment Spring, the ambition is to set the framework for pursuing this interest by focusing on various events, talks, workshops and conferences, and delve deep into the concept of Techvelopment.

The purpose of Techvelopment Spring is to focus on digital technology as a driving force in development cooperation. This can be done by…

  • communicating knowledge about how new digital technology can be used in a development context
  • creating a forum for exchanging knowledge regarding the use of digital technology for development purposes
  • creating a community where participants can collaborate across sectors and disciplines, to explore and develop new digital technology on the development scene
  • contributing knowledge and input to the public debate
  • encouraging new partnerships in the new spaces between digital technology and development cooperation
  • creating the basis for a closer interaction among actors in the developing world on the topic