Past Events


By: IDA & DI

Language: Danish

Date: 15th of June 2019, 10.30-11.15

Location: Verdensmålsteltet

Description: Kan tech redde verden? Og hvordan? Og har Danmark og danske techvirksomheder en særlig mulighed – og forpligtelse – for at løfte verdensmålene gennem teknologi? Disse spørgsmål og lignende sætter vi til debat mellem deltagere fra det offentlige såvel som det private, og et ønske til publikum om at spille med. Gennem digitale platforme, naturligvis, og mulighed for at opleve nogle af de mest markante techløsninger, der allerede fungerer i felten mellem filantropi og forretning.


  • Lars Frelle-Petersen, Direktør, DI
  • Thomas Damkjær Petersen, Formand, IDA
  • Camilla Brückner, Direktør, UNDP Nordic
  • Rasmus Larsen, Prorektor, DTU
  • Nana Bule, Direktør, Microsoft Danmark
  • John Zibert, Chief Medical Officer, Leo Innovation Lab

Registration: N/A

EdTech : Rethinking Learning & Education

By: IDA, LearnT DTU, Future Classroom Lab – Københavns Professionshøjskole, Oxfam IBIS, Save The Children

Language: Danish (English, if in demand)

Date: 28th of May 2019, 8.00-10.30

Location: Future Classroom Lab – Københavns Professionshøjskole, Humletorvet 3, 1799 København

Description: Read more (in Danish)

Registration: Click here (registration is free)

Short films from the event can be found here.

Where does the digital future leave the world’s poorest?

By: Dansk Forum for Mikrofinans & CARE Danmark

Language: Danish

Date: 21st of May 2019, 15.30-17.00

Location: CARE Danmark, Jemtelandsgade 1, 2300 Kbh. S. Near Lergravsparken Metro

Description: The rapid spread of mobile technology among the poorest in the world creates new opportunities – and new challenges – for the NGOs. This applies in general, but not least in financial services, as these can easily be digitized. Learn about current trends, solutions and experiences in the digitization of savings / loan groups.

Henrik Kähler from the FAHU Foundation is always updated on the latest FinTech options, and will provide an overview and a few good examples.

Line Gamrath Rasmussen from CARE Danmark will present their innovative pilot project BlockSaver, which will bring financial inclusion to vulnerable groups in the world’s least developed country, Niger. BlockSaver is a digital blockchain based platform for VSLA groups in Niger that will provide users with a digital identity and credit history, enabling them to trade securely via crypto currency, giving them access to credit they cannot get today and open new markets.

Registration: Click here!

Migration & Displacement Tech

By: Save The Children

Language: English

Date: 23rd of May 2019, 10.00-17.00

Location: UN City Copenhagen, Marmorvej 51, 2100 København

Description: Approximately 36 million of the world’s displaced people are children – a number that has doubled within the past decade. The rise in child displacement worldwide is occurring across a rapidly-changing technological landscape. Children and youth will continue to be the most likely displaced and the most disproportionately impacted by crisis unless innovate initiatives are designed to support forcibly displaced children and their families.

Humanitarian actors are increasingly turning to new digital technologies and innovations like blockchain, biometric-verification devices, predictive analytics and remote sensing to engage with displaced populations on the move. Harnessing the power of the digital revolution represents a massive opportunity for humanitarian and development actors to broaden an understanding of the risks and challenges faced by children on the move.

This seminar brings together innovators, digital technology experts, humanitarian aid practitioners and academics to take stock of the current technological developments for children and youth on the move. We invite participants to join a critical reflection on the ethics, impact and evidence of existing and emerging digital technologies to address challenges of providing mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) and providing quality education for displaced children and youth. Participants will explore both the opportunities and limits of digital technological innovations to address the rights and needs for children and youth on the move.

Registration: Click here (Registration is free)

FinTech and RegTech innovation for Africa

By: The Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Copenhagen Fintech & Sustainable Digital Finance Alliance

Language: English

Date: 30th of April

Location: Eigtveds Pakhus, Strandgade 25, Copenhagen

Description: Read more here.

Registration: Click here (registration is free)

Technology, Innovation & the End of Hunger

By: World Food Programme

Language: English

Date: 23rd of April

Location: UN City Copenhagen, Marmorvej 51, 2100 København

Description: 821 million people go to bed hungry every night and eradicating hunger has become one of the most important challenges of our time. The UN World Food Programme (WFP) is working every day around the world to achieve Zero Hunger by 2030. In a fast-moving world, the challenges posed by this mission are constantly changing, and so are the tools and approaches that can be used to overcome them. Technology, Innovation & the End of Hunger is an immersive exhibition produced by WFP. By using cutting-edge technology, it tells stories of how digital solutions are helping WFP to reach and empower the furthest behind. Through an interactive experience, we dispel the myths that technology and innovation are just a flash, or only for the most technologically advanced societies. Visitors are invited to experience how technology helps WFP know more, know better and serve better. WFP’s Nordic Office invites you to experience the exhibition during the four days it is on display in UN City Copenhagen. More information and how to register will be available soon.

Registration: See more info on WFPs Facebook Event.


By: Nordic Entrepreneurship Hub and Danmission

Language: English

Date: 24th of April 2019

Location: KEA – Konferencesalen, Guldbergsgade 29N, 2200 København N

Description: Trendspotting@KEA –Copenhagen School of Design and Technology is joining up with Danmission and The Network for Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding to put focus on the evolving interdisciplinary field of PeaceTech.

Registration: Click here


By: Danish Church Aid and DareDisrupt

Language: English

Date: Wednesday 13th of March.

Location: DanChurchAid, Meldahlsgade 3, 1613 København V

Resources: CivicTech Invitation Launch Event 13th March by DCA


By: Engineers without Borders (EWB-DK)

Language: English

Date: Thursday 21st of March.

Location: Eigtveds Pakhus (UM)

More Info: Invitation World Water Day 2019 & Final Program


Smartgrid solutions in rural Kenya. 

By: IDA Global Development

Language: Danish

Date: Monday 25th of March.

Location: IDA Conference, Kalvebod Brygge 31-33, 1780 København V

More Info: Description

Registration: Click here